Chicken Tikka Masala Karahi Style

karayi chicken

This recipe is especially for  people who likes to do Chator ( in Hindi, used for love of eating road side street food or other  spicy food )

We both  love to innovate ,blend,modify various recipes so here is one of them from our kitchen.

It is actually a blend of kadahi chicken and chicken tikka masala.( very famous Indian dishes)

Ingredients you will need:

Chicken tikka Masala ( from Indian store ) to marinate the chicken overnight or at least  4 hours.

Chicken boneless  200-250 gms

Oil for cooking -2 big table-spoon.

Spices we need 

Salt – 1 teaspoon

Pepper -1/2 teaspoon

Turmeric powder-1 teaspoon

Chilli powder 1 teaspoon  ( up to your taste; you can put half or even less if you don’t eat spicy)

Tamarind sauce or paste( one big tablespoon if paste, in case of sauce  use two ) This also you can get from Indian store , I think Mexican also use it .

Soya Sauce – One tablespoon ( I use light one, if you have thick one – use half a table-spoon)

Veggies needed :

Green pepper one medium size

Onion-one medium size

garlic cloves 4-5

ginger( take same amount as chopped garlic)

One green chilli (optional)

Tomato puree – 1 cup medium size

Coriander for garnishing

Preparation time : 15 minutes           Cooking time : 25-30 minutes 

Serves 2 people

Method :

Marinate the chicken  in chicken tikka masala overnight preferably or 4 hours in refrigerator ,

use 2 big tablespoon of paste .

Chop the vegetables(onion,garlic,ginger,green pepper ,chilli,coriander)  into small pieces .

Heat oil in pan, add ginger garlic first, saute for a minute and then add onion and chili.

Fry the chopped onion ,garlic, ginger until you see them turning a bit brown,  Start adding spices : salt, pepper, chilli powder,turmeric, .Saute for a minute then add tomato puree.

Once you see oil is separated from gravy, add the marinated chicken and cook on low flame till you see chicken starting to look fried on both sides, add soy sauce to it and cook it a bit more and then add green peppers, tamarind sauce ,cover it over low flame for 10 minutes.

Once you see green pepper soft,and oil over the curry,you can now add the chopped coriander and mix into pan.Turn off the flame , Your chicken tikka masala karahi is ready , you can enjoy it with steamed rice or naan. ( a short video )

(P.S: I can eat a lot spicy sometimes so don’t copy me :D:D  put it according to your spice level)

Love for Cooking !

Cooking is our way to creativity , we enjoy cooking together,helping each other ,giving ideas, annoying the other one by putting something into each other’s cooking  and at the end being happy and satiated with the end results.

We are also couch potatoes sleeping over sofa after heavy meals and looking at each other to move the plates to the kitchen 😀 which is few meters away !!

I hope you enjoy with us as we enjoy and love cooking! Welcome to our Blog!